My students finally finished up their writing yearbooks and today, I bound 36 books! My first and second graders (next year I'll have kindergarten complete them too) have been working since September on these yearbooks.
Every month, they completed a page and I used it as a writing assessment. It is fun to see just how far they have come in writing and I'm sure their parents will appreciate the keepsake.
Here are some examples from second grade.
This story was 3 pages long!
We also finished up our memory books. Here are some examples from first grade.
My students think I'm so clumsy! Sadly, I really am!
And, finally, my kindergartners finished up their interviews. I promised them I'd bind them all into a book, but I didn't get to it yet. Here are some examples.
The finished product is front to back.
There is also a planning sheet, but I left those at school!
If you are interested in doing any of these activities with your students, here are the links:
Click here for the writing yearbook.
You'll notice I updated it for next year.
Click here for the memory books.
And click here for the interviews.
8 more days!!
Oh, by the way, I'm having a short giveaway on my facebook page.
One of my blogging buddies, Tessa, from Tales From Outside the Classroom, has donated her Everyday Essentials Bundle. It's chock full of digital papers and frames. If you enjoy creating like I enjoy creating, this is a must have! Click the image below to enter!