Happy Wednesday! You're half way through your week and we're half way through our giveaway!
Today is all about helping you find your inner #healthyteacher...
A healthy teacher is a happy teacher, and don't we all want to just be happy? ;)
So, we've filled this awesome prize pack to the brim to help you reach any fitness goal (even if it is just to walk from the couch to the kitchen and back! ;))
Here's a closer look at what we've got in store for you!
1. Fitbit Zip- Easiest way to get active? Increase your steps! As teachers we seem to be up on our feet all day. Might as well let those steps between desks and walking students to lunch add up to something big!
2. Customized Water Bottle- How cute are these? Like seriously! Get that water in with your own personalized one! Now you'll want to go to the gym! ;)
3. IPod Shuffle- We're giving you a shuffle to help you get your groove thing on! Pick your color to match your favorite workout shoes!
4. $10 ITunes Gift Card- Fill your new IPod Shuffle with your favorite work out jams!
5. Hot Chic Sports Skirt- Perfect for walks, runs, or training sessions at the gym. Hot Chic Sports wants you to feel beautiful anywhere you go with these perfect sport skits. No ride bike shorts built in make it ideal for running errands or your first 5k! Be sure to check out their website to find your favorite pattern!
So much to win in this pack! Enter for your chance to win below!
Now, just in case you are just now joining us... be sure to head through the beginning of this event! All the prize packs are staying open until Midnight Monday! Click the pics below to check it out!
Day One...
Day Two...
Yeah, that's an Ipad mini!
AND Don't forget! Today's the LAST day you can save up to 28% in all of our stores!
Don't forget to use the code THANKYOU to take off that extra 10%!