Teaching sight words has always been a favorite of mine.
I believe in a healthy combination of hands-on, open-ended activities and printables.
Journeys introduces 6 words a week at the beginning of the year, and then switches to 8 words a week. It's super important for the children to practice their new words daily. Reviewing previously taught words is also important.
These 30 sight word books, aligned to first grade Journeys, makes planning for sight word practice super easy! Each book comes with a total of 13 DIFFERENT fun and engaging activities to choose from.
The activities range in level of difficulty, making it very easy for you to differentiate learning. Some students may be ready for the challenge of putting words in ABC order, or writing sentences, and some may not.
Although I included a cover for you to make books, you actually don't have to use it. You can treat these activity sheets like any other printable and not make books. It's totally up to you!
So, let's say you're like me, and you want to assemble books...
Just print the cover and any of the 13 DIFFERENT activities for each lesson. I suggest printing them front to back to save paper. Then, staple the books and hand them out. It's that simple!
Let's take a peek at all of the activities included...
Configuration Station
Students write the words in the correct boxes.
Make a Sentence
Students combine the two sight words and write a sentence.
ABC Order
Students write the words in ABC order.
Break the Code
Students use the code to figure out the words.
Then, they write the words on the lines.
Then, they write the words on the lines.
Word Search
Students find and highlight the words in the word search.
Unscramble Me
Students unscramble the words and write them on the lines.
Word Fluency
Students color in the words and then read them five times.
Read it, Rainbow Write it, Write it Fancy
Students write the words using different colors and fancy writing.
What's Your Word Worth?
Students find the worth of each word, using the scrabble tiles. Then, they write the word(s) that are worth the most and the least.
What's Missing
Students fill in the boxes with a sight word.
Fill it In
Students fill in the missing letters of the words.
Find and Highlight
Students highlight the sight words in each row that are spelled correctly.
Roll and Write
Students roll the dice and write the words for the numbers they roll. Then, they write which words they rolled the most and the least.
As you can see, the activities vary in difficulty. There are plenty of choices for every single learner in your classroom.
I created 13 different activities for each lesson because I feel it's important to have enough choices for those who need more practice. Also, you can use them during different times of the day. Morning work, station work, independent work, small group instruction, RTI, homework...etc.
And, what's also great, is you can use activities from an earlier lesson if you have students who need extra practice, while you're on a later lesson.
Right now, I have completed Units 1-2, which is Lessons 1-10. All of the other units will be completed by September 25. However, I wanted to add this resource to my store now, so you can start using the books immediately.
So, by purchasing this resource now, you will save a lot of money!
40% to be exact!
As I add each unit, the price will go up.
Don't wait!
I know you and your students will love it!
Click here to grab this growing bundle of sight word goodness!
Do you teach kindergarten?
Good news!
I created similar books that align to Journeys!
Click here to see Sight Word Books Aligned to Kindergarten Journeys!
The cover is the same...

And so are these activities...
These two activities are different from the first grade version...
Spin and Color
Students write the sight words on the lines. Then, they spin the spinner, and use the color code to color in the words that are already written on each gumball.
Read, Write, and Draw
Students read the words on the books, write sentences using the words, and then illustrate their sentences.
Right now, I have completed lessons 1-17. All of the other lessons will be completed by October 14. However, like the first grade edition, I wanted to add this resource to my store now, so you can start using the books immediately.
If you want to save 50%, I suggest you purchase this resource now, before the price goes up!
Click here to grab this growing bundle!