Five years ago, I was contacted by Jim Banks, owner and founder of He offered me the chance of a lifetime! He said I could look through his large selection of beautiful, colorful, and up to code carpets, and choose one for my classroom. In return, I promised to write an honest review of how I felt about the carpet and he allowed me to give away a FREE carpet to one lucky teacher. You can read all about it here.
I decided on the Let's Book It Story Rug because it was perfect for my classroom library.
My school administrators loved my new library carpet so much, that they purchased classroom carpets for many of the teachers in my school. Now my classroom had two beautiful carpets! This is the large carpet I chose:
The carpets have held up nicely all these years and I am excited to, once again, offer one lucky teacher, an opportunity to win a FREE classroom carpet for your very own classroom! has such a BIG selection of classroom carpets in different sizes, colors, themes, and shapes. There is something for every classroom. The only issue you'll have is figuring out which carpet to get! They are very well made, up to code, and make any classroom cute and cozy.
The lucky winner can choose any preschool rug that is 7'6"x12' or smaller or classroom rug. This prize is valued at $279! This giveaway is only open to educators in the continental United States, since it is too costly to ship outside of the USA. Please do not enter if you do not live in the United States of America.
Please be sure to read the terms on the rafflecopter. All entries will be closely monitored and anyone who does not enter with integrity will be disqualified.
Please tell your colleagues about this contest and share it on as many social media sights as you can. I really want to help spread the word about They are the only "place where you can buy directly from the factory". Because of this, they offer HUGE savings on classroom rugs and carpets. They even offer 3-5 day shipping on select carpets.
You can check out the rugs available here:
and here:
Good luck to everyone!