
Friday, July 5, 2013

Kindergarten Journeys

The other day, I talked about my First Grade Journeys Unit. Well, Kindergarten is ready now too! For those who are using the 2014 Common Core aligned Journeys Reading Program, you may want to take a close look at these two products.

Here is what's included in the kindergarten pack...

Focus Wall Headers
Leave the focus wall headers in your pocket chart permanently and just change the skills for each lesson.

Essential Questions
Hang a new one at the beginning of each lesson. 
No more writing them on the board!

Target Skills/Strategies, Writing Genres, and Vocabulary Skills
The skills, strategies, and genre cards are all labeled with the lesson numbers so you can use them, store them, and then easily find them for the next lessons.

Grammar, Phonics, and 
Phonological Awareness Skills
Each color coded card is labeled with the lesson number and ready to hang on your Focus Board every week.

Scope and Sequence
These easy to read scope and sequences will help you know, at a glance, what is being taught in each lesson and what books you need to pull.

HFW for Word Wall
As the HFW are taught, you can hang them on your word wall. Each card is labeled with the lesson number.

This pack also comes with 7 separate scope and sequences that contain the weekly sight words, spelling words, reading target skills/strategies, grammar skills, spelling/phonics skills, vocabulary skills, and writing skills for each lesson. 

I plan on storing everything in a file crate or a file cabinet. Each lesson will be stored in its own file folder. When I am finished using the items for each lesson, I will file them back in the correct folder. Talk about organized!

If you are using Journeys and you teach kindergarten, I hope you check it out and let me know what you think. You can find it by clicking the image below.

Now, I have some REALLY good news for second and third grade teachers who are reading this post and wanting something like this for their grade. I have enlisted two amazingly talented teachers to tackle the second and third grade Journeys Through the Year packs!


Talk about talented!

I had my hands full creating the kindergarten and first grade packs and couldn't imagine doing one more. Thankfully, they are both so exited to tackle this project. Stay tuned...


  1. Woot, woot! So excited about this collaboration project! :)

    1. Gladys,

      Truly, it's an honor working with you and Alisha!
      Teaching With Love and Laughter

  2. Awesome! We are going to be using Journeys for the first time this year, so I'll be sure to check your product out. :)


  3. This looks amazing. We just adopted Journeys and only got part of our curriculum before school ended. One of the items was the Focus Wall poster which is ridiculously large. LOVE the idea of pocket charting them as you've done. Thanks for the post!

  4. That is great news for second and third grade teachers!!

  5. Thank you SO much to all three of you for being willing to make this for 2nd grade! I'll purchase as soon as it's made lol. It's our first year with Journeys and it looks like you have made it as seamless as possible. Again, thank you!

    Happy weekend,

  6. Visiting from Gladys' blog. This looks awesome. I still haven't received all of my Journeys materials yet because we just adopted the program, but I will definitely pin this and will likely be purchasing it! Lokos awesome!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love to read them!

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