Now that I have your attention, I want to show you what I just made. I love my clip chart. You can read all about how I use it here. Last year, I used this for my take home behavior report.
I really liked it because it lasted for the whole month. This year, I'm going to use these:
When I hand them out each month, the children will color in the grid on the right, so their parents know what each color means. Then, each day, they will lightly color in the boxes, the color in which they end the day. Their parents will sign it so I know they've looked at it and it will stay in my students' take home folders.
Hey You!
ReplyDeleteI love these - thanks for all your hard work!!!!
I was wondering something...I'm thinking of changing from "flip your card" to this system this year. I like the idea that they can move up and down and aren't "stuck" both with their cards, and in turn behaviorally...cuz let's face it, once you've flipped your card - your incentive to not flip again is pretty much due to threat management {ahh, I don't want to flip it again}...
Here's my question - do you feel any pressure to have kids move their clips up by the end of the day? Do you have days where the bulk of your class just stays put and you've forgotten to "notice" those who deserve to move up? Does that make sense? I get moving with my day, and verbally acknowledge kids...but find that any behavior system I put in place usually falls to the way side as the year goes on....I just don't know if I want to be locked into moving kids up each day. Ahhh, I think my question is clear as mud! Sorry!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Thanks so much for sharing this. It didn't fit the clip chart I am using this year, but it did inpire me. You can view the one I made at my blog. Thanks for the inspiration.
Grade 2 Happenings
These are great, Lori!
Teaching Little Miracles
Thanks Lori! These are great!
ReplyDeleteSwimming into Second
These are great Lori!
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
Yay! You just made my day!!! This was on my to do list to update my weekly behavior sheet to fit the new system and now I don't have to! Thank you so much for sharing...they are perfect!
ReplyDeleteChris Kazanjian
Thanks so much, everyone for the kind comments!
ReplyDeleteHolly, in order for this or any behavior system to work, you have to be consistent. On most days, the majority of my class moves up the clip chart. But, let's face it, sometimes we get so busy, that clipping up is not always convenient. To combat this, my students are always ready and looking forward to the "final clip up of the day". This is where I may clip some kids up more than one color if their day was outstanding, but time got away from us. I do most of my clipping up at convenient times. For example, the first 2 who enter the room quietly. Or, the first one who stops, looks, and listens on my signal. Clipping up is not just normal good behavior. They really have to go above and beyond to warrant a clip up. After all, they all begin the day Ready to Learn. Then, they spend the rest of the day proving to me that they are outstanding children. I truly love this system and can't imagine doing anything else.
LOVE this! I adore the calendar part. I am not allowed to do behavior system like this :(
My Second Sense
Lori these are fabulous! I'm so bummed because before the end of the year, I copied all of my behavior calendars already. I wish I hadn't because I'd definitely be using these! :) Next year, for sure!
ReplyDeleteSugar and Spice
THANK YOU!! I am switching to this system for this school year and am very excited to use it, and now I am even more excited! Thank you for all the extra work you do and especially sharing it with others! It truly does make my life easier.
ReplyDeleteI love your monthly calendars, we do something simlar in my grade level. I am your newest follower! Stop by when you have a chance! =)
Miss Augustine's Kindergarten
Thank you! This was on my to-do list. I've used the clip chart system for the last two years and I love it. I've flipped the color order, though--red on top, down through the rainbow to violet on the bottom. I wanted to tip a few perceptions of colors upside-down!
Love the calendars! I did something similar to this last year, but needed to adjust for this year. This is what I was planning on doing. Great minds think alike right!
Apples and Papers
I downloaded these yesterday but forgot to comment. I really like that the kids can color in their own chart and take ownership / responsibility for their behavior. Jessica
ReplyDeleteP.s. I'm almost to 100 thanks again for your help
Thanks so much! I'm starting this system in my room this year and these will be great. I love how the kiddos color in their own color.
The Busy Busy Hive
Thanks for sharing all of your hard work, Lori! These are awesome! :)
Teaching Maddeness
These are awesome! Thank you!
The Teaching Thief
I hope you don't mind that I linked to you in my most recent blog post about this year's classroom management system. Here's the link to the post:
ReplyDeleteWHAT AN AMAZING FREEBIE! You are so sweet to share such awesome work!!!